Internet Info 1994 March
Internet Info CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 1994).iso
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Path: bloom-beacon.mit.edu!hookup!news.kei.com!MathWorks.Com!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!library.ucla.edu!news.mic.ucla.edu!unixg.ubc.ca!wrob
From: wrob@unixg.ubc.ca (Robert Wong)
Newsgroups: comp.dcom.modems,comp.dcom.fax,comp.answers,news.answers
Subject: ZyXEL modem FAQ List v3.6, Feb 28 1994, Part 1 of 5 [Introduction]
Supersedes: <2f943a$o60@nnrp.ucs.ubc.ca>
Followup-To: comp.dcom.modems
Date: 3 Mar 1994 09:10:27 GMT
Organization: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Lines: 321
Sender: wrob@unixg.ubc.ca
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: Fri, 25 March 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Message-ID: <2l49i3$6m7@nnrp.ucs.ubc.ca>
NNTP-Posting-Host: unixg.ubc.ca
Summary: Contains common questions, and information sources of/about ZyXEL
modems. Software that works with, and vendors of ZyXEL modems is
also listed.
Keywords: ZyXEL FAQ FTP
Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu comp.dcom.modems:29295 comp.dcom.fax:4930 comp.answers:4008 news.answers:15968
Archive-name: modems/ZyXEL/FAQ/part1
Last-modified: 1993/12/20
Version: 3.6
Posting-frequency: monthly;the third Monday of every month
ZyXEL Modems
Frequently Asked
Questions List
Version 3.6
Archived at: rtfm.mit.edu in
Please mail any additions to: wrob@unixg.ubc.ca
Table of Contents
Q. Frequently Asked Questions
Q.1 What is the proper pronunciation of "ZyXEL"?
Q.2 What is a "ZyXEL"?
Q.3 What is the difference between the "Plus" and the regular models?
Q.4 What features does the U-1496S+ (aka U-1496+) offer?
Q.5 How fast do ZyXELs communicate with other ZyXELs and with other modems?
Q.6 How does one get access to ZyXEL technical support?
Q.7 What are additional methods to contact ZyXEL USA technical support?
Q.8 What are the prices for upgrading a ZyXEL?
Q.9 What is the warranty on a ZyXEL?
Q.10 What features will be in the next generation ZyXEL modems?
T. Technical Frequently Asked Questions
T.1 What is the latest official ROM release(s)?
T.1A How does one determine the ROM revision?
T.1B What does one do if one does not have have the latest ROMs?
T.1C Where does one obtain EPROMs to update modem ROMs?
T.1Ci Will Toshiba EPROMs work?
T.1D What format are the ROM images?
T.1E What does one do with the latest ROMs?
T.2 In which countries are ZyXEL modems certified to operate?
T.3 What are known country codes?
T.3A How does one change a country code?
T.4 What kind of power supply is used?
T.5 Are ZyXEL modems Hayes-compatible?
T.6 How do ZyXEL modems deal with escape sequences?
T.7 What is the chip set / data pump used in the modems?
T.7A What is the advantage of this design?
T.8 What is the meaning of the T401 and T402 timeouts seen in an "AT I2"?
T.9 What is the selective reject in V.42?
T.10 What is the "Capture modem manufacturer information" feature?
T.11 What settings are required to attain the fastest data connection?
T.12 Will V.32terbo be implemented?
T.13 When will V.FAST (V.34) be available
T.14 How does one patch GNU NetFax to work properly?
T.15 Why doesn't faxing from WordPerfect work properly?
T.16 Once a fax is received, what does one do?
T.17 How does enabling callback security affect the reception of faxes?
T.18 What is the easiest way to record voice?
T.19 How good is the voice quality?
T.19A How does the voice quality compare versus the Rockwell chipset?
T.19B When will better quality speech at higher encoding rates be available?
T.20 Can a voice call be detected by the modem?
T.21 Are the specifications for converting voice files available?
T.22 Can speech be digitized/recorded and played back simultaneously?
T.23 Can DTMF tones be recognized at any time during recording/playback?
T.24 What kind of problems exist with using voice software on Macintoshes?
T.25 Why is there a slight hissing sound from the speaker?
T.26 How does one make Caller ID (CID/CND) work correctly?
T.26A What exactly is the hardware modification needed for CID/CND and EDR?
T.26B What software modifications are needed?
T.26C What if CID/CND and EDR still doesn't work?
T.27 What changes are needed for overseas calling?
T.28 What modifications are needed to S/S+ models to get the eye pattern
I. Information Sources
I.1 FTP servers known to Carry ZyXEL info
I.2 Mail servers known to carry ZyXEL info
I.3 Known mailing lists dealing with ZyXEL modems
I.4 ZyXEL's CELP compression mode for voice
P. Product Information
P.1 NeXTSTEP software that works with ZyXEL modems
P.2 UNIX software that works with ZyXEL modems
P.3 MacIntosh software that works with ZyXEL modems
P.4 OS/2 software that works with ZyXEL modems
P.5 MS-DOS software that works with ZyXEL modems
P.6 MS-Windows software that works with ZyXEL modems
P.7 Amiga software that works with ZyXEL modems
P.8 Atari ST/TT/Falcon software that works with ZyXEL modems
P.9 ZyXEL modem vendors
As usual, this FAQ has disclaimers.
The usual disclaimer is:
There are no warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the
information in this Frequently Asked Questions List (hereafter called FAQ),
its quality, performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
purpose. This FAQ is provided "AS IS". The entire risk as to the quality
and performance of the information is with the reader. In no event will
Robert Wong be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential
damages resulting from any defect in the FAQ even if the reader has been
advised of the possibility of such damages. Some states do not allow the
exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or liabilities for incidental
or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply
to the reader.
The above disclaimer was modified from Central Point Software's PC Tools
software license. :-) Apologies to the legal department of Central Point
Software! :-) :-)
On a more serious note:
Some effort has been taken to ensure that the information described in the
FAQ is accurate. Errors will periodically crop up in the FAQ. These errors
will occur for a variety of reasons:
1) The Keeper of the FAQ is just plain wrong.
2) The Keeper of the FAQ paraphrased a submission incorrectly.
3) The submission itself was incorrect.
4) Some other reason not described in 1) to 3).
As the Keeper of the FAQ, I would like to apologize for any errors that occur
in the FAQ.
ZyXEL USA has been very gracious in support of the FAQ. They have been a
wellspring of information, help, and more help. ZyXEL USA has played a large
role in submitting information for the FAQ. They are not affilitated with the
FAQ in any other manner, financial or otherwise.
Final disclaimer:
As well as being the Keeper of the FAQ, I am also a ZyXEL modem reseller and a
NXFax software reseller. Efforts have been made to prevent the FAQ from
unfairly emphasizing any modem reseller, software platform, software product,
What is the ZyXEL FAQ?
The ZyXEL FAQ is a source of information about ZyXEL modems. It contains a
list of Frequently Asked Questions (and answers) that are most commonly asked
by people.
Since the FAQ is too large to be a single file, it is broken into five (5)
logical parts. Below is the name, and purpose of each part:
ZyXEL FAQ-Introduction
This part serves as the introduction to the rest of the FAQ.
ZyXEL FAQ-Frequently Asked Questions
Common questions of a less technical nature are answered.
ZyXEL FAQ-Technical Frequently Asked Questions
Containing questions of a more technical nature, this section is
organized into various subsections
. ROMs, & ROM images
. modem certifications, country codes, & power supplies
. data modem questions
. fax modem questions
. voice questions
. other questions
ZyXEL FAQ-Information Sources
This section serves as a pointer to other resources of ZyXEL modem
and ZyXEL-modem related information. FTP sites, mail servers, mailing
lists, and CELP references are listed.
ZyXEL FAQ-Product Information
Various software products on different platforms are listed. ZyXEL
modem vendors are also listed.
Where to get the ZyXEL FAQ
The ZyXEL modem FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) list can be obtained in a
variety of ways:
1) anonymous FTP to rtfm.mit.edu and get the file in
2) E-mail Robert Wong (wrob@unixg.ubc.ca) and request a copy to be e-mailed
to you. If you are on a UUCP site, make sure that you or your UUCP
administrator has enough hard disk space. The FAQ is about 150 kbytes
(uncompressed) or 90 kbytes (compressed and uuencoded).
1) Jussi Torhonen (jussi.torhonen@kone.com), 2:220/405 [FidoNet] reposts the
FAQ from a BBS in Finland. It is posted to the "ZyXEL modems" echo
conference. All you have to do is to collect all the pieces of the FAQ
(36+ parts) and you have the complete file.
2) Frog Hollow BBS (604) 469-0264 (1:153/290) has the FAQ in a file area.
a) File REQuests (FREQs) are possible from this BBS at anytime except ZMH.
Use the magic name of ZYXELFAQ. OR:
b) Download the file after you have signed onto the BBS.
1) The FAQ is emailled to Kolja Waschk (kawk@zerebrm.hanse.de). He then
zips the file and sends the file to Horst Hackenbruch, who hatches it
immediately into the ZyXELnet "ZYXTEXT" file area.
How to send a submission
All submissions are gratefully welcomed.
Contributions may be slightly paraphrased in order to clarify and/or better
establish the context of the submission. Any misunderstanding due to this
paraphrasing in entirely due to the Keeper of the FAQ.
Below is a list of possible submission methods in order of most preferable to
least preferable:
1) Internet e-mail to Robert Wong (wrob@unixg.ubc.ca).
All e-mail submissions received via the Internet will be acknowledged by a
reply. Some acknowledgements may take a while, depending on the complexity
of the submission. [Enrico Scotoni: I could not send ack, because my
machine can't understand your e-mail address of
2) FidoNet e-mail to Robert Wong Jr. (1:153/290)
This BBS is called Frog Hollow BBS and is in Port Moody, BC, CANADA.
3) Regular postal mail to Robert Wong Jr., 1921 East 61st Avenue, Vancouver,
B.C., CANADA, V5P 2K2.
4) Voice at (604) 322-6918 (H).
There should either be a live person at this number, or a functional
answering machine. Ask for Robert Jr.
5) Any other method not listed above. Yelling across a busy street may be
acceptable. Carrier pigeon however, is not an acceptable method. :-)
The format of a submission
Submission of information should hopefully be in a readable form of English.
:-) It should also be understood by a non-programmer (me!).
For the submission of product info, the format shown below would be much
ProductName v.version number, software type
Short description of product. 3-5 lines.
Address of company
Postal Code
Time: time zone
Voice: (xxx)yyy-zzzz
Fax: (xxx)yyy-zzzz
BBS: (xxx)yyy-zzzz
E-mail: Joe NeXT (jn@JoePizza.com)
Cost: $ and currency type
Basically, the Keeper of the ZyXEL FAQ is lazy! A submission of product info,
and/or modem vendor info would ideally be a matter of cut'n paste into the
***begin soapbox/comments/questions/requests/hot news/misc***
This is my first crack at doing a FAQ. Please be patient. Any errors,
either in technical content or English usage (Gasp!) are entirely mine.
Please e-mail me any corrections.
ZyXEL USA has a promotion! The ZyVoice box will be bundled with the voice
software for the duration of the promo.
Zfax 3.10 (Z310ENG2.ZIP) is still in beta testing. It will ship when it
ships!. The rather large manual for ZFax (Z310MNU.ZIP) is available
Postscript versions of the zfax manual (zfax3ps.zip [1.8 megs] and
zfax3.ps.tar.Z [2.5 megs]) are also available. The manual is 250+ pages,
and be forewarned, the compressed files will expand to approx 42 megs.
Dan Hildebrand (danh@qnx.com) has managed to add a little box with LED lights
onto his U-1496B modem. This allows him to actually see the status lights of
the modem. It is a *REALLY* neat hardware modification. It should also
void the warranty.
There hasn't been a release of the FAQ since December for a couple of
reasons. It got kinda busy in my job. Also, I was disconnected from the
internet twice due to a change in billing schemes. My internet provider
wanted to bill me about $1,000 CAN$ a year for an internet connection.
This billing problem has hopefully been solved.
Many thanks to all the submitters and ZyXEL USA for supporting this FAQ.
A special hello is given to Jussi Torhonen in Scandinavia. He was kind enough
(and persevering enough) to repost the FAQ to Fidonet in more than 36+
***end soapbox/comments/questions/requests***
Robert Wong Jr.
1921 East 61st Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V5P 2K2, (604) 322-6918
Keeper of the ZyXEL FAQ and Head of the UBC-NeXT Users Group
Standard disclaimers apply.
Robert W. Wong Jr. wrob@unixg.ubc.ca (ASCII only)
Crasher of Automated Banking Machines, Keeper of the ZyXEL modem FAQ,
University of British Columbia NeXT Users Group Leader and
collector of titles.